Electrical laboratory
Measuring soil resistivity
Soil resistivity is necessary to ensure electrical safety and for long-term reliable performance of electrical equipment. The ground conductivity value depends on soil resistivity. This parameter can be affected by different properties of the ground (temperature, humidity, density and chemical composition). Measurement of soil resistivity is necessary to determine the effectiveness of grounding; in case of low conductivity of the soil, measures must be taken.
Measuring soil resistivity is necessary to guarantee the best possible electrical safety as well as to allow for long-term service and best performance indicators of all equipment at the enterprise or in the electrical grid. The level of electrical conductivity of the soil depends on its resistivity.
Resistance is affected by numerous parameters: ground temperature (the higher, the better conductivity); its humidity (as humidity increases so does conductivity), density and the chemical composition (which should not be underestimated because each substance has its own degree of conductivity). It is common knowledge that for effective grounding, the earth must have sufficient conductivity. Measurements of soil resistivity will allow accurate assessment of the degree of conductivity and determination of measures to improve it. The safety and long-term service of the equipment will depend on the correctness of ground conductivity measurements.
Measuring soil resistivity
It must be noted here that soil resistivity measurements only make sense under optimal conditions. To this end, these measurements are usually made in the summer, when it is dry and warm. When resistivity measurements are made in the North, where it is always cold, they are best performed when the ground temperature is at its lowest.

Soil resistivity measurements are not the only, but quite effective method of assuring safety of staff and the equipment. This is necessary for safe operation of electrical power facilities, extending the service life of electrical equipment and guaranteeing staff safety. Ideally, grounding resistance should equal approximately zero, but in real conditions this is hardly achievable. This can be explained by the fact that the wiring, the ground and all the electrical equipment in the electrical communications system of the enterprise have their own level of resistance. This value will in any case be fairly high, so when the current breaks down on the housing or the distribution board which is grounded, the current will go into the soil not as quickly as is needed, and therefore can cause damage to the equipment connected to the network. And this is by far not the worst outcome; the worst are health hazards and fires. These situations can be the most deplorable, so they must be avoided at all costs.
Methods for improving electrical equipment safety
There is an extensive list of events aimed at improving the safety of electrical equipment, therefore, the aforementioned problem situations can be easily avoided by means of regular and unscheduled measurements of soil resistivity and other types of operations (various measurements, testing and diagnostics).This will not only extend the equipment’s service life, but will also save your sanity and assets. Rest assured that your current discharge system is safe and the protective system will not suffer a breakdown.
To make sure that all measurements are precise, our employees use only the most precise and accurate cutting-edge equipment. Our goal is to make sure our customers are happy and maintain our business reputation. We have always been productive and objective in our work. This was made possible by the high skill of our professional staff.