Construction services
Engineering services

- • Mechanized soil excavation;
- • Soil excavation and installation up of drainage systems in water-management construction;
- • Soil compaction with rollers, soil compaction machinery or heavy rammers;
- • Water drawdown, setting up surface runoff and drainage systems;

Well drilling
- • Drilling and installation of wells (except oil and gas wells);
- • Well casing with pipes, removing pipes, free descent or ascent of pipes from/into wells;
- • Construction of pitwells;

Piling work. Ground stabilization
- • Installation of foundation frames;
- • Installation of driven and bored piles;
- • Cementing of dirt foundations with driving of injectors;

Installation of concrete and reinforced concrete cast-in-place structures
- • Formwork;
- • Reinforcement work;
- • Installation of cast-in-place concrete and reinforced concrete structures;

Installation of precast concrete and reinforced concrete structures
- • Installation of foundations and structures of the underground part of buildings and structures;
- • Installation of surface structural elements of buildings and structures, including columns, frames, crossbars, trusses, beams, slabs, bands, wall panels and partitions;
- • Installation of sizable units, including ventilation units, elevator shafts and garbage chutes, bathroom stalls;

Installation of metal structures
- • Installation, reinforcement and dismantling of structural elements and enclosures of buildings and structures;
- • Installation, reinforcement and dismantling of tank structures;
- • Installation, reinforcement and dismantling of pole structures, towers, and vent pipes;
- • Installation, reinforcement and dismantling of process structures;

Protection of building structures, piping and equipment
- • Lining work;
- • Acid-resistant bricks and acid-resistant ceramic tiles and shaped items;
- • Protective coating made of paint and varnish materials;
- • Grooming (lining with rubber sheets and liquid rubber compounds);
- • Installation of metallized coatings;
- • Waterproofing of building structures;

Installation of internal utilities and equipment of buildings and structures
- • Installation and dismantling of water supply and sewer systems;
- • Installation and dismantling of heating systems;
- • Installation and dismantling of ventilation and air-conditioning systems;
- • Installation of power supply systems;
- • Installation of electrical and other networks for the life-support systems of buildings;

Installation of external sewer networks
- • Laying of non-pressure and pressure sewer pipes;
- • Installation and dismantling of shut-off valves and sewer network equipment;
- • Installation of sewer and drain pipes;
- • Installation of the filtering base for silt areas and filtration fields;
- • Laying drainage pipes on sludge sites;
- • Cleaning cavities and testing sewer pipelines;

Installation of external heat supply networks
- • Laying heat supply pipelines;
- • Installation and dismantling of shut-off fittings and equipment of heat supply networks;
- • Construction of wells and chambers for heat supply networks;
- • Cleaning cavities and testing heat supply pipelines;

Installation of external electrical networks and communication lines
- • Installation of power supply networks;
- • Mounting and dismantling of supports for overhead transmission lines;
- • Installation and dismantling of wires and lightning protection cables for overhead transmission lines;
- • Installation and dismantling of transformer substations and line electrical equipment;

Installation of boiler equipment
- • Installation of boilers and associated elements: heat exchangers, burners, network and boiler circuit pumps, power electrical equipment;
- • Commissioning and adjustment operations;
- • Further maintenance;

Commercial furnaces and chimneys
- • Lining blast furnaces;
- • Lining the upper structure of glass-melting pot furnaces;
- • Installation of furnaces made of pre-cast components of high plant readiness;
- • Electrolyzers for the aluminum industry;
- • Lining of industrial smoke and ventilation ovens and chimneys;
We offer our partners turnkey engineering solutions executed on time, in accordance with quality standards, and most importantly, in accordance with planned costs.
We work throughout the Vladimir Region, Moscow Region, Ivanovo Region and other areas. Of special significance for us are the industrial centers of the Vladimir Region: Vladimir, Murom, Kovrov, and Gus-Khrustalny.
Key advantages of our company’s engineering services
Highly qualified staff and up-to-date knowledge of modern equipment allow us to provide various solutions for our customers using cutting-edge, energy-saving, environmentally-friendly technologies. Our team of experienced designers, engineers and installers is our company’s solid foundation.
Maintenance of electrical grids
Maintenance of electrical grids is required for their effective and safe operation. After all, no matter how high the quality of the grid, it, too, as any other cable system, is subject to wear during operation. The equipment used in the electricity network, sockets, boxes, etc., also often malfunction due to improper handling or cable damage. It is scary to think of the threat this poses to property and the life of the network owner and its other users. Maintenance of electric grids is intended to minimize these problems.
Our company staff has permits to operate any kind of electrical networks, is knowledgeable in their design and assembly, and can carry out full diagnostics and servicing of electrical supply systems. We work efficiently and with great quality on reconstruction of electrical networks, emergency repair of cable lines, reconstruction and replacement of high-voltage cells, electrical wiring, circuit breakers, etc. If necessary, we can assist in coordinating changes and adaptations to the system in special instances.